Saturday, September 10, 2011

POST Magazine

Publication design does not always have to be in print form. The advent of new technology, like the iPad, and our rapidly growing reliance on and interest in these new technologies creates a whole new and exciting area for publication design to explore.

POST Magazine is one of the first digital, interactive magazines, available only on the iPad. It uses sound, video and other interactive technology to create a very different magazine reading experience for the reader. I think this is such an amazing innovation to publication design because it opens up so many doors and creates a plethora of new possibilities that an ordinary print magazine is not capable of. For example, in POST's Gravity issue they plan on having a fashion spread but instead of just using flat 2D images of the model and clothes, the models will be able to be generated in 3D so the user can move them and turn them around to see the outfit.

POST Magazine Fashion Spread Layout
Post Magazine Cover

Although some people still probably enjoy the tangible quality of a physical magazine, I think that the user being able to read a magazine with sound, video and interactivity will make the reading experience more interesting and enjoyable. I think designers should think about taking all popular magazines and making them available digitally, as well as in print. –Donna Zitelli

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